Attack-defense-style CTF

Simulation of information systems for attack-defense training in the form of a competition.

With its great simulation knowledge for cyber defense and experience in the organization of a private CTF attack-defense event known as Nuit Du Hack, the team of Sysdream customizes events according to your needs.

We regularly provide service for international events and military exercises to support industrial and public institutions, in which we deal with multiple tasks extending from requirements specification to the closing.

MALICE Training


MALICE Events offers a voluminous catalog of attack-defense scenarios simulating complete information systems. Find and exploit vulnerabilities in the information systems of the opposing teams so that you can recover sensitive information: protect yourself fixing them on yours.

Your teams must manage to handle repeated attacks for a long period of time, while keeping the services functional and accessible during the crisis.


In collaboration with the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), we took part in the organization of DEFNET 2015 for the purpose of training the French military forces to combat information crime. We contributed in various ways ranging from scenario design to hosting while supporting the training.

We particularly conformed to the concept in order to realize and deploy an exercise scenario for the Land Forces. With our technical support, the exercise validated detection and reaction capacity critical in case of a targeted cyber attack.

Our teams also created a digital forensics scenario to increase awareness of risk response among engineering students, as part of the project to set up a Cyber Defense Reserve.

#CyberDefense 2015

We participated in the organization of the symposium #CyberDéfense in September 2015, assisting the French Defense Procurement Agency and the Directorate General of Armaments.

In the Challenge #CyberDefense 2015, six teams formed by international military schools battled in a friendly competition which was created on the basis of a risk response scenario adapted to the industrial environment (SCADA). Our interventions included everything from presenting a concept design to implementing it, and we successfully realized the scenario and provided a physical SCADA environment.

Find more details in our feedback article.